text petition

At 15 years of age Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen was abandoned to a decade of abuse and torture in Guantanamo Bay U.S. Military Prison and denied fundamental justice in violation of Canadian law and the international conventions to which Canada is a signatory. Such an appalling miscarriage of justice is a disgrace to Canada and, until remedied, should cause us to question our humanity and respect for the rule of law.

Please sign and share the parliamentary e-petition with your family, friends and social media. Call on the government to fulfill our long overdue obligation to Omar Khadr by offering an official apology and appropriate compensation for the wrongs he has suffered.

sign button

The petition is open to Canadian citizens. Only the Parliamentary Clerk of Petitions will have access to your information which will not be made public.

For more information on the Omar Khadr case, see the following links.

This petition is sponsored by Hélène Laverdière, MP Laurier-Saint-Marie.

Omar river2

6 comments on “PETITION

  1. Me Edney, for once I am proud to be canadian. Thank you for your time and devotion to this cause,
    Louise Fournier


  2. if anybody wants to know who mr obama is, read this story.

    what kind of person agrees with the torture of a half dead wounded 15 year old and then his prosecution. it is a degree of conscienceless godlessness moral bankruptcy and mercilessness that words come nowhere near saying.

    that is why torture treason and the most colossal fraud in usa history haven’t been prosecuted but this man was. why Occupy was the most brutally suppressed poloitical opposition in usa history since the Haymarket massacres. why Petraus selling secret documents for sex favors is scott free and Manning sacrificing his life for basic justice is in jail for life.

    incarcerating Omer Khadr is as godless as conscienceless as it gets. it is an attack on the very foundations of civilization.


  3. It’s crazy that they are counting rising numbers of signatures against the settlement, while making it difficult to sign in support of it.


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