Maher Arer endorses our Petition – Canada’s Obligation to Omar Khadr

The Free Omar campaign is grateful to Maher Arar for endorsing our petition calling on the federal government to fulfill our moral and legal obligation to Omar Khadr.

Canadians are likely familiar with the case of Mr. Arar, a Syrian-Canadian who in 2008, after a formal inquiry, received compensation and a formal government apology for the shocking role of Canadian officials in his 2002 rendition and year of captivity and torture in Syria. While the pain and suffering caused to Maher Arar and his family can never be fully remedied, as in Omar’s case, Canada had an obligation to award redress. Canada must respect our international obligation to oppose torture in all instances.

We thank Maher Arer for his support. We hope he inspires you to sign our petition.

Please sign and share the petition; support justice for Omar!

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One comment on “Maher Arer endorses our Petition – Canada’s Obligation to Omar Khadr

  1. Pingback: Yann Martel endorses our Petition! – ‘Canada’s Obligation to Omar Khadr’ | FREE OMAR

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