Adel Safty endorses our Petition! – ‘Canada’s Obligation to Omar Khadr’

Dr. Adel Safty, Egyptian-Canadian, Professor Emeritis, former head of UN Mission, and columnist for Gulf News (Middle East) endorses our petition. Dr. Safty helped to bring international attention to Canada’s abusive treatment and denial of fundamental justice to Omar Khadr.

The Khadr case is a shocking example of the systematic undermining of the rule of law — a basic foundation of democratic governance. A U.S. judge ruled that ‘evidence’ obtained during interrogations was admissible. This essentially meant that evidence obtained through torture, cruel and inhuman treatment was admissible in court — a travesty of the judicial process in democratic countries and its safeguards to protect the rights of the defendant. Even more shameful, after all this time, Canada has refused to acknowledge the sacrifice of a vulnerable citizen, a child, to the horrors of Guantanamo. And all to satisfy the goals of the U.S. the War on Terror”
For a review of “the cruel and inhuman nature of the treatment meted out to Khadr by his US captors and by the government of his own country” please see Adel’s 2013 article: “When the Rule of Law is Subservient to the Rule of Man”. 

​Please sign the petition and remind the federal government of Canada’s moral and legal obligation to offer redress for the atrocious violations of Omar Khadr’s rights.

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Thank you!

The Free Omar Khadr Now Committee

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