30 ways the Canadian government failed Omar Khadr

September 19th, on the occasion of Omar’s 30 birthday, an article by Free Omar member and writer Kathleen Copps.

Omar Khadr turns 30 today. Released on bail in May 2015, he still faces limitations to his freedom and legal challenges ahead. Canadians must not be complacent about our obligation to him. For 14 years, we allowed grave violations of his fundamental rights, including torture and abuse when he was a child. Our individual liberties and equality before the law depend on the universal enforcement of rights, and remedy for rights that have been violated. On Omar’s 30th birthday, we must acknowledge all the ways Canada failed him.

Read the 30 Ways the Canadian Government Failed Omar Khadr, in the full article in Ricochet media.


One comment on “30 ways the Canadian government failed Omar Khadr

  1. With Harper now wanting to hit the speaker circuit and seeking International clientele for his law firm is there anyway to have his Passport revoked by laying charges against him as a private citizen that he allowed the torture and possible sexual abuse of a Canadian citizen under the legal age of 18? It would seem to me that Harper was complicit in the illegal activities that the U.S. government sanctioned under both Bush and Obama. Vic Toews should also be considered for charges during his tenure when he refused to allow Omar to return to Canada. I would be interested in knowing if there is a possibility. Thanks Jim de Bolebec


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