Omar Khadr: Free At Last!

Free at last! To cheers in the courtroom, Judge Bielby announced Omar Khadr is free to go!
Today he will join the Edney family in their Edmonton home. Tonight he will enjoy his first home-cooked meal in 13 years.
A large group of friends and supporters  were there to welcome Omar to Edmonton, his new home.
In this letter to a member of the Free Omar Khadr Now group, Omar reveals his fondness and connection to the city where he will reside:
Since I’ve come to Edmonton I’ve been feeling more connected to this beautiful city and it’s wonderful people. Everytime I see somebody new or somebody writes to me I feel that I belong to Edmonton and that makes my heart warm. It’s a gratifying feeling to belong to a place and to know that you are cared about and thought of. For that I’m eternally grateful to you, the city of Edmonton and all its wonderful people.”
Omar is joined in celebration by people across Canada and around the world who have advocated for justice, since the early days of his captivity in 2002.
Like all other Canadian court decisions in Omar’s case, the judges have affirmed the rights and protections in our Charter and reinforced judicial independence - a fundamental principle of our democracy.
While today is full of joy for Omar, it is not the end of his legal battles. There are still cases pending. An appeal in the U.S against his “charges” has a strong possibility of success, and a pending civil case against the Canadian government will likely be decided in his favour. But let’s leave those for another day.
Today the Free Omar Khadr Now group celebrates Omar’s victory along with all those who struggle for human rights.
We wish to acknowledge  the perserverance, diligence and brilliance of his lawyers, Nate Whitling and Dennis Edney.
We extend our deepest respect to Omar Khadr for the dignity and strength he has maintained throughout the years of this horrendous ordeal.


Fundraising Campaign to support legal expenses:
Statement Dennis Edney, lawyer Omar Khadr, after the ruling:
transcipt of statement:


16 comments on “Omar Khadr: Free At Last!

  1. Si glad to hear he is free !! Good Canada, in glad he has the freedom he deserves. Enjoy everything and good luck !!


  2. I am very happy that Omar is finally released . The fact that he was never treated as a child soldier in the first place is a moral and legal blot on the Canadian government, as well as the other shameful behaviour of our government in refusing to repatriate him from Guantanomo, and not allowing him to tell his story from jail. I do hope Omar will one day be able to tell his story to the world. He is a true testament to the power of humanity that he has not come out of his ordeal bitter and vengeful. Welcome home Omar.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. we celebrate this triumph. we have spoken about Omar to our young kids. He’s been in our prayers for many years. God, Allah has never left you alone. God bless the wonderful man And professional Dennis Edney.. Thank you for seeking knowledge and making a difference in Canada.


  4. Thank you Mr.Edney. Thank you. Omar, you, your wife and your colleague have achieved the deserved justice. Many, many people celebrate your victory with you. I had the pleasure of hearing you speak at the Burnaby Student’s Social Justice conference last month. Tonight in the choir that I lead, we sang for Omar and read the following Hafiz poem to honor the moment. May you all enjoy some sweet rest, fine meals, and the goodness of this life. Job well done sir.


    The bird’s favorite songs
    You do not hear,

    For their most flamboyant music takes place
    When their wings are stretched
    Above the trees

    And they are smoking the opium of pure freedom.

    It is healthy for the prisoner
    To have faith

    That one day he will again move about
    Whenever he wants,
    Feel the Onederous gift of Life –
    Less structured,
    Find all wounds, debts stamped cancelled,

    I once asked a bird,
    “How is it that you fly in this gravity
    Of darkness?”

    She responded,

    “Love lifts Me”

    ~ Hafiz

    (translated by Daniel Ladinsky)


  5. Pingback: Interwebbed: Cyber & Crypto News for May 8 | The Cryptosphere

  6. I am so happy for Omar, yet so sad about the pain and injustices this special individual has had to endure. I wish I could take away some of the pain from him.
    You are an inspiration to us all Omar! May you enjoy health, peace and love in your future!


  7. So glad to see justice for Omar. Omar, I’m so sorry that people I voted for put you through this, I have followed your ordeal closely for the beginning not knowing how to help. Listening to Dennis & Patricia speak with you last night I saw something beautiful come out of this whole ordeal. I saw you with people who love you dearly and are committed to giving you the life you should have had but were denied for reasons none of us will fully understand. I wish you all the best as you make your way in the world and without a doubt that you will make everyone who has been rooting for you proud.


  8. So Happy!!!! I would like to see the WHOLE story put out there, from beginning to now. So many people, even supporters, don’t understand important details of fact, as we are dealing with flawed media. Intensity of fact should not be watered down over time. Treat every detail as if the fact were fresh, and the world will be outraged and strong as we educate them. Welcome home Omar!


  9. Félicitations à M. Edney et Whitley pour avoir persévéré à défendre Omar dans cette grave injustice qui lui a été faite et qui a duré 13 longues années. J’ai compris ce qu’était la souffrance et l’injustice quand j’ai vu l’indifférence totale du gouvernement Harper envers ce jeune enfant-soldat. Je suis convaincue Omar, que tu seras un exemple vivant du pardon et de la gratitude et que tu contribueras à éveiller la conscience des gens. Je te souhaite aussi que tu réalises ton rêve de faire une carrière dans le domaine de la santé.


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