Another Blow for Omar Khadr and Canadian Democracy

MEDIA RELEASE: May 04, 2020

Thank you for contacting the Free Omar Khadr Now Campaign. We have prepared the following statement in response to the government’s latest attempt to delay justice for Omar Khadr.

The Free Omar Khadr Now Campaign, along with many fair-minded Canadians continue to hope that tomorrow Omar Khadr will be free on bail. He has been illegally imprisoned since the age of 15 and his case has cried out for justice since 2002.
Unfortunately, the government is seeking to secure a delay in his release by appealing Judge Ross’  decision.
The government’s unrelenting vilification of Omar and their “knee jerk” appeal  of every  court decision has prolonged his twelve-year struggle for justice. Judge Ross confirmed that Omar Khadr is a “model prisoner”, has great community support and is likely to win the U.S. appeal to overturn all ‘convictions’.
Despite this, the government continues to spread baseless lies linking Omar to “jihadism”  and in so doing, inflicts great personal injury.
The rights, freedom and liberties of all Canadians are diminished by the actions of this government.
We extend our deepest respect to Omar Khadr for the dignity and strength he has maintained throughout the years of this horrendous ordeal.

For more information, please visit
You may contact us at: [email protected]

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